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Buy the film

* Please note all prices are quoted in British pounds and will be converted into local currency upon purchase. All prices are exclusive of tax which will also be added upon purchase.

So what happens next?

  1. Buy the film
  2. Receive your digital download
  3. Choose one of our live GEW events to tune in to
  4. Screen the film as part of our virtual global audience
  5. We all make history together!

But before we do that we need you to share the love, spread the word and encourage everyone you know to help us make history!

Host a Screening

If you share our passion for equality and commitment to 'trade not aid' for Africa then this is your opportunity to show the world you care and help raise funds for your own organisation, The Fund or a charity of your choice.

*Please note all prices are quoted in British pounds and will be converted into local currency upon purchase. All prices are exclusive of tax which will also be added upon purchase.